
Perception, Attitude and Job Satisfaction || Organization Behaviour || by Anshika Vasandhani mam || U.I.E.T. kanpur ,CSJM University Kanpur || Unit 2nd

Definition of perception   Perception means perceiving, i.e., giving meaning to the environment around us. It can be defined as a process which involves seeing, receiving, selecting, organising, interpreting and giving meaning to the environment. Nature of perception  (1) Perception is the intellectual process. (2) Perception is the basic cognitive or psychological process. (3) Perception becomes a subjective process and different people may perceive the same event differently. Perception and Sensation  There is a distinction between sensation and perception. Sensation is the response of a physical sensory organ. The physical senses are vision, hearing, tough, smell and taste. These senses are bombarded by stimuli and reactions in particular sense organ take place because of these, e.g., of sensation may be reaction of eye to colour, ear to sound and so on. Sensation percedes perception. Perception is much more than sensation. Perception ...

personality and Locus of control || Organization Behaviour || by Anshika Vasandhani mam || U.I.E.T. kanpur ,CSJM University Kanpur || Unit 3rd

Personality Definition Personality is that pattern of characteristic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguishes one person from another and that persists over time and situations. Personality also refers to the pattern of thoughts, feelings, social adjustments, and behaviors consistently exhibited over time that strongly influences one's expectations, self-perceptions, values, and attitudes. The word "personality" originates from the Latin word persona, which means mask. G. W. Allport defined it as “a person’s pattern of habits, attitudes, and traits which determine his adjustment to his environment.” According to Robert E. Park and Earnest W. Burgess, personality is “the sum and organisation of those traits which determine the role of the individual in the group.” Determinants of Personality Biological factors: The general biological characteristics of human biological system influence the way in which human beings tend to see exte...

Display Strings in alphabetical order

/****   PROGRAM Read n values (string) from keyboard     display string list in alphabetical order  ****/ #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main()    {      int i,j,n;      char s[20][20],t[20];      printf(HOW MANY COUNTRIES: );       scanf("%d",&n);      printf(" ENTER ANY %d COUNTRY NAME \n",n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) {    scanf("%s",s[i]); } for(i=0;i<n-1;i++) {      for(j=i+1;j<n;j++)      {         if(strcmp(s[i],s[j])>0)         {            strcpy(t,s[i]);            strcpy(s[i],s[j]);            strcpy(s[j],t);         }      }  }      ...

How to make a pendrive bootable using CMD || using command prompt (CMD)

search 'cmd' and Run it as 'Run as administrator' And then follow the following steps........ diskpart (press enter key) list disk (press enter key and so on type these words ) select disk 1 clean create partition primary format fs=ntfs quick  (It can take less than 5 minutes so wait for complete 100%   ) active exit and your pan drive is become bootable and ready to use

program for sorting array using selection sort technique || in c programming language

program for sorting array using selection sort technique #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define size 10    /* you can define the size according to your choice */ void main() {  int arr[size]; int i,j,temp; printf("enter array elements : "); for(i=0;i<size;i++) {            scanf("%d",&arr[i]);  } for(i=0;i<size-1;i++)  {                   for(j=i+1;j<size;j++)                    {                                   if(arr[i]>arr[j])               ...

Program to calculate the sum of given number using array

Program to calculate the sum of given number using array  #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() {      int arr[100];      int i,n,sum=0;      clrscr();                 /* clrscr() function is work only TURBO C/C++ compiler .      It will not work in CODE BLOCKS compiler.  */      printf("How many number you want to enter?   ");      scanf("%d",&n);      printf("enter the array elements:  ");      for(i=0;i<n;i++)      {            scanf("%d",&arr[i]);       }       printf("your entered array is : ")      for (i=0;i<n;i++)    ...

Program for find average of five numbers

Program for find average of  five numbers  #include <stdio. h> #include <conio. h> int main() {  int a, b, c, d, e;  int sum=0;  float avg;   clrscr();  Printf ("enter the five number ");  scanf ("%d%d%d%d%d",&a, &b, &c, &d, &e) ; sum=a+b+c+d+e; avg=sum/5; printf ("sum = %d\n",sum);  printf ("average = %f",avg);   return 0; getch(); }